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The 20th High Level Forum between Government of Ethiopia and DAG was held on 4-5 April 2019 at Kuriftu Resort, Bishoftu. The purpose of the retreat was to focus on the bigger picture, provide analyses of long-term trends and offer next generation interventions for Ethiopia’s lowlands.

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The main objective of the Ethiopian government is poverty eradication and improvements in the well-being of people.

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The Government of Ethiopia and its development partners continued to work together in enhancing aid effectiveness for the achievement of the PASDEP and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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In 2009, the DAG continued to engage with the Government of Ethiopia in development cooperation and policy dialogue.  In particular, the year saw discussions focused on the Proclamation on Charities and Societies (CSO Law), the humanitarian situation, and Ethiopia’s response to the global economi

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Following the global financial crisis of 2008, Ethiopia managed to shelter itself from the worst impact, and maintain strong growth into 2010.  Impressive progress in infrastructure development and access to basic services continued, as showcased at the UN MDG Summit. 

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