DAG retreat took place on 10th May 2018 at Yaya Village to reflect on how to better position the DAG to support Ethiopia realize to build resilience in the long term. The retreat also consulted on the think piece that is under preparation by DFID and WB on lowlands resilience building. In order to create for better synergies DAG members also shared information on their ongoing portfolios in the areas of resilience building.

Presentations were made by members on resilience building based on studies conducted in the lowlands. Root causes of vulnerability; resilience building and sustainable development in lowlands; governance and vulnerability in lowland peripheries; causes of vulnerability from gender perspective; diagnostics study in resilience building and survey finding on EU resilience building interventions were among topics that have been covered.


Retreat Highlight


Following the presentations, DAG members were divided into three thematic areas and discussed how to ensure collective response to GoE’s resilience building and reform agenda. The groups discussed on service delivery; market development and gender/social norms in lowlands. Each group identified main challenges, gaps or overlaps; shared lessons learned and good practices on resilience building. Going forward DAG ExCom will follow-up the next steps to address vulnerabilities in Ethiopian lowlands.